
Gibson spook country
Gibson spook country

Its one visible eye was the size of an SUV tire. Ten feet above the orange tape outline, the glossy, grayish-white form of a giant squid appeared, about ninety feet in total length, its tentacles undulating gracefully. "Wireless." She walked over to him, took it from him, and put it on. "Hollis," said Alberto, "check it." He was holding what she took to be a VR visor of Bobby's….

gibson spook country

They can only be seen with a high tech helmet. She's shown all kinds of sculptures and murals that…well…aren't quite there. She goes to LA on assignment to meet with a "locative" artist. Hollis Henry gets an offer to do a story for a magazine no one has ever heard of called Node.

gibson spook country

What does a former rock-and-roll artist-turned-journalist have to do with spies and international espionage? Good question.

gibson spook country

Down to read a review of Pattern Recognition )

Gibson spook country